Wepham Triangle
A straightforward walk on surfaced/partially surfaced paths. Good for winter if you want to avoid mud! Also lovely in spring for bluebells.
Map & Info
Quick Details
Start / finish
The Dover car park (free)
Distance / ascent / time est.
2.9 miles / 176ft / 1-2hrs
Surface / terrain
Tracks / undulating
Stiles / road crossings
No stiles / no road crossings
Other info
N / A
Blue square = 1km sq
Numbers correspond to directions below
Written Directions
+ use the images below for additional guidance!
Once you’ve parked, continue walking up the lane in the direction you were just driving. Keep right of the house at the bend (1).
Continue along the path / track past the timber stacks (2) and walk all the way up the gentle incline until you reach a T-junction and a field opposite. Turn left (3) to join a tarmac lane. You’re now walking along Monarch’s Way.
The tarmac lane winds through the woods and eventually you’ll reach a junction with a small unofficial parking area. Turn left here (4) and follow the track (4a) all the way to the bottom.
Eventually you’ll reach the track you walked on at the start – turn right (5) to follow it back to the car park.
Photographic Directions
(Hover & use arrows to scroll)