Ferring Rife
A pleasant flat walk which takes in the very pretty, rural Ferring Rife stream and combines it with country lanes, views of local countryside and a walk back along the greensward. This is a year-round walk – lots of greenery and wildlife in spring and summer. Easy underfoot and wild seas in winter.
Map & Info

Quick Details
Start / finish
Bluebird Cafe car park (free)
Distance / ascent / time est.
2.8 miles / 17ft / 1-2hrs
Surface / terrain
Footpaths & lanes / flat
Stiles / road crossings
No stiles / no road crossings
Other info
The cafe car park can get impenetrably busy on summer weekends
Blue square = 1km sq
Numbers correspond to directions below
Written Directions
+ use the images below for additional guidance!
Find the entrance to Ferring Rife stream opposite the café. There are public conveniences here.
Take the right hand path (1, 1a) and follow it right to the end to a bridge (ignore the first bridge you pass) at the Ferring Country Centre. This is worth a visit in its own right, and has a café in the centre.
Cross over the bridge (2) and turn left to start making your way down the other side of the stream (2a).
When you reach a bridge a short way down, turn right (3) (away from the bridge) and follow the footpath (3a) across the field towards some trees (3b).
Skirt the field as it bends round to the right (4) and emerge onto a gravel lane (4a). Follow the lane which winds between picturesque cottages and farm buildings (4b), until you reach a gate and then a t-junction.
Keep to the right (5) to join the road in the direction you’ve been walking. The quiet road opens up flanked by fields (5a) and there are fine views of Highdown and the surrounding countryside.
Proceed until the road starts to bend round to the right – take the left turn just before the bend (6) – there is a finger post saying ‘Byway’.
Follow the lane past houses on the right until you come to the quiet main thoroughfare through Kingston Gorse estate. Cross over the road to the gate directly opposite signposted West Kingston (7) and pass through onto the greensward.
Turn left at the greensward (8) and, enjoying sea views (8a), walk back to the Bluebird for refreshments!
Photographic Directions
(Hover & use arrows to scroll)