Amberley Mount
A spectacular downland ramble winding through some of the finest scenery in Sussex. The walk begins on the South Downs Way, with incredible views in all directions, before arriving at the brow of Amberley Mount, then loops back along idyllic countryside tracks and pathways.
Map & Info

Quick Details
Start / finish
Kithurst Hill car park (free)
Distance / ascent / time est.
5.8 miles / 633ft / 2-3hrs
Surface / terrain
Tracks & footpaths / hilly
Stiles / road crossings
Some stiles / no road crossings
Other info
N / A
Blue square = 1km sq
Numbers correspond to directions below
Written Directions
+ use the images below for additional guidance!
From the car park, turn right onto the chalk track (South Downs Way) and follow it as it winds gently upwards, with the coast far away to your left.
After about half a mile you’ll reach a fork in the path – keep to the right (1), staying on the South Downs Way, enjoying the superb views opening up on each side. Along the way there are several tumuli (ancient burial mounds) to the right of the path (e.g. 1a), which you can go through gates to have a look at.
After about 2 miles (from the car park), you’ll reach the top of Amberley Mount, and be presented with one of the best views in the county. Go through the wooden gate (2) and stay on the path as it descends.
At the junction where the path joins a chalk track, turn sharp left onto the track (3), and keep on it as it curves gently up to the right (3a). After a short while, you’ll see a path leaving the track off to the right (3b) – join it. Stay on this grassy path, keeping to the right when you see a high wooden gate (3c).
The path now descends quite steeply down into scenic fold in the hills, passing through a gate (3d). As you near the bottom, you’ll see a pretty dew pond.
Go through the wooden gate (4) on the right and walk across the bottom, with the dew pond on your right, then turn left to begin the climb up the other side (4a). This is quite a steep one and by far the hardest part of the walk, but it doesn’t last long!
Shortly after passing through a metal gate near the top (4b), you’ll reach a crossroad junction in the path. Go straight on (5) and walk along the grassy path, with trees/hedges on your left (5a).
When you reach a copse, follow the path round to the left (6), then keep left / straight on (6a) to join a track.
A few yards later, at the T junction, turn left (7) and then a few yards after that, turn right (8). Stay on this track as it undulates and gently zigzags through open landscape for about a mile.
Eventually you’ll reach a footpath T junction – turn left (9) and follow the narrow path with hedgerows on your right (9a).
Stay on this path for a short while before turning right (10) through a wooden gate – there is a red ‘Angmering Park Estate’ sign on the fence next to it (10a).
A few yards on, turn left (11), staying on the designated footpath (11a) as it runs between fields either side. Stay on this path, keeping left / straight on when it forks (12). After about a mile, this path will deposit you back at the car park and your starting point.
Photographic Directions
(Hover & use arrows to scroll)